Just Plain Folks


As I sit clicking through the news channels this morning on TV

There is one thing that is the same on every show that I stop to see

The news isn’t what it used to be back in my younger days

Now it is nothing more than a staged exhibition of outlandish things they show and say

They no longer cover stories truthfully that affect lives of you and me

They show America all in turmoil in out of control cities like New York and DC

Well I see America the way it really is traveling the back roads of this land

And when you drive through real America you see how we really live and where most of us stand

I never see the protesting or rioting in the streets in small towns that I pass through

But I do see folks that wave when you pass or hold the door for you

What I see are parents with kids walking and playing and dropping them off at school

I see Mom and Pop drug stores, hardware stores and carpenters in their truck loaded with their tools

This is the America the news doesn’t cover  because it’s not what they want you to see

They want us all to live in fear and follow the agenda they push for their own need

Well I for one love my life out  traveling and visiting with folks I meet along the way

Just Plain folks living their dreams,raising a family and working hard out there every day

From My World to Yours,
Bob Baker

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